If you have never had an insurance claim in the past, then consider yourself lucky. These claims can see kind of cut and dry, but managing one is exhausting. It can take a lot of time and energy out of your life. And if you have a job, school, kids, and more, you may wonder how you will have any time at all to get this all done.


Insurance companies work on this stuff full time, but you have to find a way to fit it in around the rest of your schedule. As a result, the insurance company generally has more time on their side to get things done and may try to rush you along. They also want as much evidence of the loss as possible. This means they will need pictures, video, and any other proof you can give them depending on the type of damage at play.


Some insurance companies are going to drag their feet, though, on getting back to you and delay the claim, while others will demand a ton of extra proof in the hopes that they can make you really frustrated and you will just choose to ignore the problem and not harass them any longer. This often works in their favor, but is not a lot of fun for the homeowner who is then stuck with a large bill.


When you hire your own public adjuster, you get a chance to pay for someone to handle the hassle for you so you don’t have to. Instead of wasting all that time and energy doing things you may not understand, you will have a chance to relax because a professional who will handle it all for you. They already know how the process works and many of them have worked for insurance companies in the past, so they will be able to handle the work for you and make sure that you can get the best payout for all of the work possible. Overall, it is a good use of your money.


Our team is here to work with you to protect your home and make sure that you get the most out of your insurance claim from the start. We want to make sure that the insurance company does not leave you high and dry the whole time and you will be able to get the work done and your home back to looking great again. We even helped many of our clients with the Port St. Lucie hurricane Irma roof damage when they struggled with insurance in the past. Contact us today to see how we can help.