There is a lot of potential damage that a carpenter bee is able to cause to you and your property. If you allow them to stick around, they will continue to bore into some of the wood around your property and can make tunnels and nests that are hard to fix. This is why you need to take the time to watch out for some of the signs of an infestation of carpenter bees around your property as soon as possible. But what are some of the signs that you have an infestation going on in your property?


One of the most common signs of an infestation of carpenter bees is that you will notice some of the round and smooth holes that they are able to make into the wood around your property. This can be almost any type of wood that is around the property. So, you will want to look at the wood and see whether there are some nests that the bees need. To identify some of the early damage that is present in your building, you need to do a regular inspection of the outside of the property. You can also look at any garages, sheds, and other property that is on the land to see whether there are hovering bees and holes.


Since these bees are going to prefer to go with bare wood, you may find that staining or painting the wood can be enough to deter quite a few of them from moving in. However, this is not enough to stop all of them, so you need to still do some work to check for this. To help you avoid the issues that come with carpenter bee and prevent them from entering into your home, it is a good idea to repair nay tears in the screens, keep your doors closed in the summer, and check for any cracks that may be present in the walls and the foundations of the property. It is best to keep the carpenter bees from your home in the first place rather than letting them come in.


There are a lot of pests that you may need to worry about when it comes to the safety of your commercial property. Finding the most effective way to deal with them will ensure that you will be able to keep your property, and your customers, as safe as possible. We are proud to offer a wide variety of different pest control solutions for your needs, including fumigations in Tacoma, to ensure that the pests are gone. Contact us today to get started!