There are a wide variety of pests that exist in the Denver, Colorado area. Needless to say, they are also looking for a place to settle in and call home. They will claim their space somewhere inside your commercial building, causing nothing but frustration and misery for those who are in the building on a regular basis.


Even worse, the presence of pests will be embarrassing for your business. It can even lead to various health issues that can cause financial or even legal issues. This guide will discuss the three most common pests to beware for.


They may already be inside or not. If you’re dealing with a pest problem, you need to deal with it accordingly. Here’s a look at what to look out for.


  1. Rodents


Rats and mice are two rodents that can cause a ton of property damage. Even worse, they can carry diseases that can be spread to humans. They can contaminate food, supplies, chew through electrical wires that can cause fires, and leave all kinds of destruction.


That should be more than enough to call a commercial pest control in Denver to handle the problem. The moment you see a rodent in your commercial building, chances are it may not be the only one hanging around.


  1. Cockroaches


Ah yes. Perhaps one of the most annoying of all cockroaches. Even worse, they thrive in plenty of different environments.


They are carriers of various bacteria and allergens - meaning they will be a health risk for customers and employees. One of the hotbeds of commercial industries is food services. Cockroaches love food scraps and will go where they are always abundant.


So it would make a ton of sense to ensure your restaurant or similar service puts pest control and prevention measures in place. If they fail, you may need to enlist the help of a professional service to get rid of them.


  1. Flies


Think flies are just harmless insects flying around? You might want to reconsider that thought. Of course, they can be a nuisance - but they are beyond that.


Flies can carry diseases, which can make their presence a health code violation (especially in the food industry). Not only that, customers won’t be happy with the unwanted dinner guests. It’s important that your business - regardless of industry - ensure that proper waste management measures are in place along with regular pest control practices.


Let Sprague Take Care of Your Pest Control Needs


The presence of pests can hurt your business. However, they can be easily taken care of. So why not trust the experts?


Sprague knows that pests can be a challenge. Especially in commercial buildings, both great and small. If you believe yours is dealing with an active infestation, give us a call today at 1-800-272-4988.