No one wants to find that they have a cockroach infestation around their home or commercial property, whether it is the oriental cockroach or another type of pest that you need to worry about. That is why it is so important to take the time to look into this type of bug and recognize the signs that are present along the way. If you can recognize some of the signs of the oriental cockroach, you will be able to find an infestation faster and can get the professionals over to take a look and remove them.


But what are some of the signs of an oriental cockroach infestation that you need to look for to know they are around? There are three main signs that you can look for including:


# Sightings: You will see these mostly in the summer and warmer months. You should be able to find them outside your gutters, coming in and out of storm drains and sewers, and near landscaping beds, especially if they are wet. This is most common to see during the night. During the day, they are going to try to stick around moist, dark, and undisturbed spaces.

# Egg capsules: Outside of seeing the cockroaches themselves, you may see the eggs that they lay as well. These are going to be small, usually only 8 to 10 mm in length. The egg cases are often going to be reddish or brown in color and each of those cases can hold up to 16 eggs, which is why an infestation can take hold so quickly.

# Odor: Smells are also a way to be alert that you have this kind of infestation around the home. These cockroaches are going to secrete chemicals that will help them talk to one another. The chemicals are going to be musty in odor, and if you notice that in. your home, there could be a problem.


When you have a major cockroach infestation in your home or commercial property, it is time to take a look at some of the different services we have available. That is why we are proud to offer fumigations in Portland for all of your needs. We have taken the time to learn how to handle pests in the area and can be there with a customized solution for all your needs. Whether you are dealing with a cockroach or another type of pest, our team is here to help take care of the problem and make sure that you do not have to deal with them any longer. Trust us for all of your pest control solutions.