In the Pacific Northwest, you’ve got beautiful mountains and a coastline that is sprawling from end to end. The region (even Oregon) is home to plenty of flora and fauna. It also boasts a climate with plenty of greenery and moderate temperatures.


However, pests that exist here can be a threat to both homes and businesses. If you’re a commercial business owner, you need to know about these top three common pests that are found in this region of the United States. Let’s take a look at the list now.


  1. Ants


There are several different varieties of ant species in the Pacific Northwest. They include but are not limited to odorous house ants, carpenter ants, and pavement ants. If you notice these milling around your business premises, it may be a good idea to get rid of them as soon as possible.


It could mean enlisting the help of a service that offers commercial pest control in Medford. The sooner you call them, the better it will be for your business to get rid of the problem and continue operations as normal.


  1. Rodents


No type of pest is more destructive to property or a threat to health than rodents. Typically, rats and mice are often the types that you’ll want to keep out (and for good reasons). They are known to spread diseases - directly and indirectly. As for the types, there are dozens.


They can be a threat to those who are immunocompromised. So be sure to take necessary prevention measures to make sure rodents stay out of your premises. This includes regular waste management practices along with making sure your building is clean from start to finish.


  1. Termites


Subterranean termites can be found in the Pacific Northwest due to the moist climate. They are known for causing significant damage to wooden structures. You want to identify and address any infestations that may exist in your commercial building - especially if your structure is made of wood.


They can leave damage so devastating that it can cost you thousands of dollars in costly repairs. The sooner you take care of the problem, the better. It is important that you schedule a regular inspection every six months to a year if your property is constructed from wood.


At the same time, contacting a pest control service for any preventative measures might be your best option.


Contact Sprague for your pest control and prevention needs


Sprague has helped many commercial businesses in Oregon deal with and prevent pest infestations. Is your business dealing with it as well? Or do you need to take the necessary precautions before things go south?


For more information on how Sprague can help with your pest concerns, call 1-800-272-4988.