If your partner has asked for a divorce, but you’re not ready to say goodbye, you may want to consider calming the situation. Of course, there’s no way to say for certain that you will be able to repair the relationship. However, there are steps you can try or suggest to help resolve the difficulties, and if your partner is willing to try, this may be worth looking into.


Can I Calm the Situation If My Partner Has Asked for a Divorce?


Unfortunately, not all relationships are meant to be. Sometimes, partners can grow apart over time. In other cases, an individual’s behaviors may change as they grow older or get more comfortable in the relationship - not always for the best. Whatever the case, though, it’s well worth considering whether you could resolve the burdens on the relationship.


There’s no simple way to say whether you’ll be able to “talk things out” with your partner, as this can depend on many factors. However, if you don’t feel ready to move on, the following steps could help.


First, it’s crucial to stay calm and be open to discussions. Indeed, it’s easy to feel defensive when accusations are thrown around, especially if you don’t believe you are responsible. However, this will likely rile up the situation. So try to let your partner have their say and take on what they think (even if you don’t feel the same way yourself).


Sometimes, you may want to consider getting couples’ counselling to help recover and heal. This can offer a valuable opportunity to get support from an experienced professional who assists couples in resolving their differences.


Whatever the case, if you’re trying to calm the situation when your partner has asked for a divorce, you need to be open to change. If things stay the same as they are now, you likely won’t be able to save the relationship - so embracing new opportunities and listening to your partner (and vice versa) is vital.


Final Thoughts


Knowing where to turn can be difficult if your partner has asked for a divorce. Of course, you could simply accept this as the case, which may be a good option if you know that neither of you is longer happy in the relationship. However, if you are willing to work on the relationship to fix it - and if your partner can also put in the time and energy - then considering today’s options may help.


However, if things still seem hopeless, there is help available. As such, if you need support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team for support with family and father’s rights.