One of the biggest problems that can become apparent during your time in your one bedroom apartment in Stanton, is that you don’t have a lot of space. While this might be fine if you decide to live alone, it can be a problem if you want to host parties, especially if you want to have people over for the holidays.


But there are a few ways to make sure that you can make the most of your limited space. Here are some tips you can follow to make sure that the holiday spirit fills the place you are in, regardless of size!


Keep Everything Organized


In a massive house or other area, you can afford to lose a bit of control when it comes to organization. People might spread out and might do different things around the house, which is fine and can add to the fun. However, in a small apartment it is much more likely that everyone will wander around aimlessly and the party will grind to a complete halt.


So make sure to keep everything organized. Make sure your party has a nice flow to it and there are designated areas to eat, socialize, watch TV, and more. Additionally, you should have set times for certain things. The holiday dinner, the big football game, any other traditions or events, all of it should be on a schedule. That way, you can keep the momentum of the party going even in the small space!


Have Your Guests Bring Food And Go Potluck


One of the biggest problems for a small apartment is an even smaller kitchen, which means that cooking a massive feast isn’t going to be something you can do. Instead of trying to make a big feast work in your small apartment, you should instead ask for help. Get your guests to each make or buy a dish that they enjoy, and then have them bring it to the feast.


You’ll still need to make room for the plates and extra food, but it is a lot easier than simply trying to cook everything yourself. It is much less stressful too!


Focus on Ambience


A small space can have a warm and cozy feel to it as you all gather around and spend time together. So don’t be afraid to tap into that ambience and play some nice music or get the lighting just right. Because the more you focus on getting the ambiance of the party just right, the more you can enjoy the party. Plus, people won’t care what size the room is if it feels right!


Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About Your Apartment’s Size Before The Party


It can be a bit frustrating to want to host a party and then find that your apartment is too small. If you are committed to making it work, don’t be afraid to tell everyone that your apartment is small, because once they understand it will make everything else a lot easier! Then people can get back to having fun!