You may be surprised at some of the different tactics that a debt collector is going to use against you in the hopes of getting the consumer to pay the debt. Often this debt is not something that you will owe on, but the debt collector is going to work really hard to convince you that you need to pay. They often do not play fair and they will go after you as hard as possible. Some of the different tactics that they are able to use, even though some of them are not legal, include:


# Lying to you: It is completely possible that the debt collector will lie to you. When they work to get the money, they are likely to lie about anything if they think it will work to help them get the money. They may try to tell you that you owe more than you do, they may pretend to be someone else, and they may even tell you that you will go to jail if you don’t pay the debt (which is never true). Their point is to convince you that something really bad will happen if you don’t pay the loan, so you agree to pay it.

# Threatening or harassing you: Zombie debt collectors can try to threaten to sue you, use language that is more abusive, and even threaten you with violence. But you have the right to hang up and then go to file a complaint to let the CFPB know that you are being harassed for this debt.

# Squeezing the information out of you: You don’t have to tell collectors anything, no matter how much they bother you or ask for the information. If they want your personal information, keep your lips sealed so that they can’t come after you and won’t have that information.


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