Most tenants get into a traditional lease with the idea that they are going to stay in the apartment for a whole year or more. Moving is hard and expensive and most people like to have that stability of knowing they get to keep their apartment and have the same rent amount and more for a long time to come. But sometimes life throws in a curveball here and you find that you need to   break the lease and move out earlier than you had expected.


Your landlord is allowed to charge a variety of fees if you break the lease. The exact ones that they will charge can depend on the situation and what is outlined in your lease. But this can be expensive, especially if you find yourself breaking the lease because you lost your job and do not have an income to rely on. One of the ways to mitigate these fees, if the landlord is up to it, is to find someone to take over the lease.


The main concern for the landlord is to make sure that the apartment has a tenant inside of it to pay each month. If you can find someone who is suitable for moving into the apartment and can save the landlord some of the time and money of finding someone themselves, this can be a good bargaining tool. You can get them through the background and credit check and into the apartment as you move out and will ensure the landlord does not have any breaks in their income.


You can also see if subletting the apartment to someone else is a good option. In this one, the lease will be yours still, but another tenant will stay and live in the apartment and will pay you for that space. You need to check out your current lease to see whether the landlord allows subletting and some of the rules around subletting if the landlord does include it.


For many tenants, a two-bedroom apartment is a smart move to help them have a comfortable home. This extra bedroom can work for a small family, to bring in a roommate to make the unit more affordable, or as an office space if you happen to work at home. If this looks like a good choice for you, then it is time to check out our   two bedroom apartments for rent near Anaheim packing district. These apartments are going to be perfect for all of your needs. Contact our team today to take a tour and to learn more about some of our available units today!