No one likes to have surprises when it comes to the amount that they need to pay in rent. They like to have it steady and not have to worry about the prices going up or down or how they will be able to fit that into their budget as time goes on. When you do move into a new apartment though, you will need to ask about what the rent will be for your lease term and then discuss with the   property manager or the landlord how often the rent will be raised.


Often this is information that you will be able to find on the lease itself. If you are thinking about staying in your apartment for a long time, you may want to know how often the rent will increase and even by how much. This can make it easier to do some long-term planning and can prevent surprises that may make you need to move if you aren’t prepared for them. Knowing if the rent will go up each year, for example, can give you more time to search for a new apartment if the rate increase won’t work for your budget.


You should talk to the landlord about this. Ask them when you will be notified of a rent increase. Usually they will give you either 30 or 60 days to know about this before you have to start paying the new amount. This is going to give the tenant more time to prepare for the increase and time to consider whether they want to stay in the apartment or not.


In some cases, it is possible to negotiate the rent hikes ahead of time. You can talk this over when the time comes. Ask for a longer lease so that you can keep the rent the same price for longer or look into whether you can get some additional amenities added to the lease to make it more affordable, even when the price goes up.


When you are looking for an affordable apartment that will work with your budget, you will want to shop around and see which one is going to work the best for your needs. We recommend that you come check out our   one bedroom apartments in Southside Jacksonville to see if they are just right for your needs. These apartments have the space, amenities, and great location that you have been looking for. Contact a member of our team today to take your own tour and to learn more.