There are many reasons why you will choose to move into a home. You may want to have your own space and own something that doesn’t belong to someone else. Owning a home is the American dream and many people who have spent years in apartments will start to save up for it and work on their finances to make this a little bit easier as well. But there is an advantage of living in an apartment compared to purchasing a home. When you purchase a home, you are locked into a 15 to 30 year commitment with the bank (unless you make a ton of money and find a way to pay it off early).  With an apartment, you are only locked in for a year, maybe two, at a time.


Few people will be able to afford their dream home, the one that will check all of the boxes. And even to get a home that you need to do some repairs to and fix up, it is going to require a hefty mortgage to get it done. Your mortgage may make homeownership a reality, but it does cost a lot and if you only make the minimum payments along the way, you are locked in for the next 15 to 30 years.


Each mortgage is going to come with its own terms, so it will depend on the situation and what is going to happen for you. You may get a low interest rate, or a high one, depending on how the market goes. There are 10 and 15 year mortgages, but those require higher incomes to get it done and most people lock themselves into. 30 year mortgage, meaning they and the bank are going to be friends for a long time. Committing to one place for decades and paying on it for that long can seem like a bad idea for a lot of people. Living in an apartment provides more flexibility as you will still pay during that time, but you can pick up and leave once the lease is done after a year.


Sometimes, staying in an upscale apartment and making that your home is a smarter move to help keep you safe and make sure that you will not be stuck in a long mortgage for the rest of your life. That is why you need to come and check out our  upscale apartments in Apopka to see if they are right for you. We have worked hard to provide the best living arrangements for all our tenants, so come take a tour today.