If you have settled into one of the many great USC Los Angeles apartments then you are surely feeling excited for what’s next. You are enrolled in one of the best schools in the nation and living in one of the greatest cities in the world.


With that being said, there are certain things that you have to remember about apartment living in order to keep you and your possessions safe.


Keep Your Entry Points Safe: Entry points are your apartment's first line of defense. These are the spots in your apartment that could serve as access to unwanted guests.


To make sure that your entry points remain safe, ensure that safe locks are on all windows and doors. For even better, more reliable security, think about adding deadbolts to the doors of your apartment too. You also have to guarantee that all the locks in your place are working just like they should by checking and testing them on a regular basis, and fixing any damage to them as soon as possible.


Protect Your Valuables: When you are not at home, you need to provide safeguards for your valuables by keeping them safely hidden and out of sight.


You can do this by simply buying a safe that can store valuables like your jewelry, excess cash, and important documents like passports and birth certificates. There is really no reason why any of these things should ever just be left lying around and you need to make a habit of keeping them locked up at all times.


Proper Lighting: Did you know that a well-lit apartment will go a long way to discourage potential thieves and lessen the likelihood of burglary?


Therefore, you have to make sure that all doors and windows are brightly lit at night. Use modern lighting and technology to your advantage and think about setting up motion-activated lights close to outside entrances and in dimly lit places.


Don’t Give Away Your Keys: You’re going to be making a lot of friends when you’re in college but you need to still be careful about who is allowed unchecked access into your place.


You need to greatly and carefully consider who might have access to the keys to your apartment. Do not give your keys to random people or leave them in plain sight under doormats or flower pots. Think about using some sort of keypad lock or keyless entry system that lets you swap out the access codes on a regular basis.


There are many other things that you should consider when you are living on your own in an apartment while at college. Take pointers from friends and family members, try new things that feel right to you, and never ever sacrifice your safety for anything else.