There are a lot of things that you can drop off at a donation site in order to clean up your home and help out those in need. If it is an item that is in good shape and you no longer plan to use it, then donating it to someone else and helping out some charities can be a good idea. If you have never done much with donations in the past, then you may need to follow some tips to make sure that you do this the right way. Some good tips to follow include:


# Give the charity a call before you donate. This way you can learn what items specifically they accept and what you should do to make the intake process a little bit easier on both sides.

# No fabric items like clothing, towels, or bedding should be donated unless you took the time to clean it. You can wash everything and even consider dry cleaning it to make sure it is in good shape for the next person.

# Each item that you donate should be inspected for broken zippers, stains, missing buttons, tears, and rips. Charities do not have people here to handle the repairs, so you may need to do some of this before donating.

# When donating towels and sheets, you may want to give the ones in really bad shape to animal shelters rather than throwing them away.

# Check all of the pockets in pants, shirts, wallets, and purses. Charities will often find personal information, jewelry, credit cards, and money in the pockets if you do not clean it out.

# Make sure that you donate the items that are in season at the time. This will help make sure that the charity doesn’t have to find a place to store the item when they are limited on room.

# most charities are not going to accept things like bathing suits and undergarments. You can call ahead and ask about this to make sure before you donate though.

# If you are donating shoes, make sure they are given in pairs, clean, and in good working condition.


When you are looking for a donation drop off for some of the clothing that you no longer wear, it is time to contact our team. We can take out some of the hassle of having to move your clothes on your own and will make sure that every item gets to the location that you want, without you having to add to your to-do list. Contact us today to schedule your pick up.