There are a few different types of insurance that your bar or restaurant needs to consider to make sure that you are protected against all that can happen along the way. You need to have a general liability policy in place to help you stay protected along the way against anything that could come up when you are running your business. You don’t want to have to pay out of pocket for all of that and a general liability policy is going to help. You can also consider other riders on the policy like a liquor liability license and even a property protection policy as well.


If you plan to do deliveries for your business, then you will need to consider another type of policy as well. This is going to be a commercial auto insurance policy. This can provide you and your vehicles some protection if you plan to deliver food to your customers or you are going to use some delivery vans to help ferry alcohol and other supplies between your different locations. A good auto insurance policy can help you to cover some of the claims that will happen against these vehicles.


It is tempting to just use your personal policy on the vehicle. But it is possible that the personal policy is not going to cover a claim that will involve a vehicle that was used for a business. You may be on the hook to cover it all on your own if you do not take the time to get a commercial auto policy.


You need to take the time to shop around for the right policy for your needs. No matter how big or small your business, you need to consider whether a commercial auto policy makes sense if you plan to use the vehicle for your business at all. You can often combine it with some other policies to help save some money too.


When you are taking a look at all of your bar insurance options, one thing that you need to consider is whether you need to get commercial auto insurance. If you do plan to do any deliveries, you will find that this is one of the best decisions that you can make. Our team will be able to work with you to provide the best bar insurance for all your needs, no matter how big or small your business may be. Don’t be held liable for all the problems that can come from running a bar. Trust our team to be there to give you the best protection possible.