To start with, we are able to take a look at some of the habitats that you are able to find centipedes in. These centipedes are going to be found throughout the whole world, whether you live in the United States or somewhere else. They can often be found in an area that has a lot of moisture in it, so you need to be careful about it being around your home or commercial property if you do not want to have the centipede show up. If you are checking the property to see whether there are some centipedes around, you will want to check in piles of grass and leaves, the trash, under stones, and in rotting logs.


While a lot of centipedes are going to stay outside and find warm places to call their own, there are some times when they will invade your home and try to make a home there. It is common for them to be somewhere that is damp and dark for them to hide. You are most likely to find them in potted plants, bathrooms, crawlspaces, and in a damp basement if they do get into the property.


But the next thing to consider is whether the centipede is going to pose a threat. For the most part, these are going to be considered a nuisance pet. They will not pose a lot of danger to. Your property or a significant health issue either. However, all house centipedes have poison jaws that are able to put some venom into the prey. This can cause some problems if you do end up biting you.


If you handle them roughly, it is possible that the centipede is going to bite you and break through the skin. This can cause some pain and swelling and can often feel like a sting of the bee. If you have one of the largest species, the bite can be painful and you may need to seek out some medical attention. If you leave them alone, they are going to leave you alone for the most part.


When you live in Mesa, you need to take the time to find the right commercial pest control to ensure that you take care of the problem and keep your home or commercial property safe. Our team is proud to offer the best commercial pest control in Mesa to ensure that you will be able to keep centipedes and more out of your home or commercial property. Don’t let these pests take over and cause a big mess. Trust our team to be there to help you get the most out of your home today.