There is a reason that credit card companies are so excited to hand over points and cash back to their users. The biggest reason is that they have a bunch of information that says how these credit card points are going to make you spend more than you had planned. And you may carry over a balance as well when you spend this much, which helps them to make more money on you as well. It is a small percentage of their profits that they hand over in points, so to them, it is worth it.


You may assume that you are getting a great deal when you choose to get a card with points, but usually this is going to work against you. The points only work well if you can guarantee that you are able to pay off the card each month and not overspend. But since the points often encourage you to spend more, this can be almost impossible. It is a vicious cycle that puts you in debt but benefits the credit card companies.


The word free will cause a lot of us to stop what we are doing and run to the store. And we will spend more than what we should for some of those items. And credit card companies know all of this and they know some of the tricks that will get you to come and spend money, more than you can pay off so that they can charge you some interest on it. Before you know it, all those points are going to lead you to be in more debt than before.


Plus, if you have not taken the time to read the fine print and notice that the rewards are not as good as they seem, then you may get into more trouble. You need to know your financial habits from the beginning and have a good idea on what you can afford and how to budget before you ever think about getting a credit card just for the points.


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